"LOOK AT ME NOW, HERE I AM" - played June 7-9th 2011 at Black Box (NTA)
Director: Joao Garcia Miguel
Text: Gertrude Stein
Actors: Jessica Berg, Kyuja Bae, Mikkel Rasmussen Hofplass, Liv Phlug, Piet Gitz-Johansen, Maja Clementsen Hansen, Josephine Kylén-Collins, Lars August Jørgensen
Scenography, Costumes and Light : Sarah F. Jahn, Simona Bieksaite
".... a complet change has come about. People no longer thinks as they were thinking. But no one knows it. No one recognizes it. No one really knows it except the creators. The others are to busy with the business life. They cannot feel what happened. But the creator. The real creator. Does nothing. He is not concerned with the activity of existing. He is not active. That is to say as he is not concerned with the activity of existence he is sensitive enough to understand how people are thinking. He is not interested in knowing how they where thinking. His sensitive feeling is concerned in understanding how people are live as they are living"
- Gertrude Stein
"This performance deals with the reasons for being an artist in the present days. It is also about someone who has a limited vision of the world and feels an urge to step unto the social arena as an individual. It is a performative portray of a person with a need to transform life into something positive, exciting and mysterious.
(...)The main source of inspiration for this performance is Gertrude Stein and especially her literary portrays of the painters Picasso and Matisse
Photo by Sarah Funch Jahn 2011